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Tmodelman's Model T Collection
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| Tmodelman restoring Florida license plates for his T's from sad shape to shiny. |
| Start of the '27 Touring named 'Dixie'. This T touring is an all fun project with a paint scheme of gray and red for the Old South! |
| Here is the whole gang helping in the Tmodelman's garage lifting the restored 'Dixie' chasis. The project is getting along well. |
| Even the motor for 'Dixie' is a red and gray rebel. |
| Here is 'Dixie' ready for a few last items, like upholstery and a top! |
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| In the beginning, we all have to start somewhere, well this is where Tmodelman began his love affair with the Model T.
August 10, 1964, a 1924 cut-down touring car formerly owned by a cousin, pulled from the Aunt's barn in southern Michigan. That's Tmodelman as a teenager, pondering on how to start up his first car, a Model T Ford. |
| "Nellie", the 1925 runabout with original wood aftermarket bed. As found by Tmodelman in a field in North Florida. |
| Close up of the wood bed tailgate and construction of the hinges. |
| View of the motor compartment. |
| 1924 Touriwng with newly varnished wood spoke wheels. That's Mrs. Tmodelman modeling. |
| The before restoration picture of the 1926 Runabout Pickup truck. This all original Model T was in good, no rust condition prior to the frame off restoration performed by Tmodelman. |
| The after restoration picture of the 1926 Runabout Pickup truck at a local car event. |
| Another picture of the 1926 Runabout Pickup truck. |
| A picture of my 1927 Tudor. |
| The 1924 Touring and the 1927 Tudor Ts together. |
| Racer body under construction. This is an all steel reproduction body patterned after the Faultless Raceabout manufactured by American Top and Body Company in Delphi, Indiana in the early 1920's. When completed this racer will feature Disteel wheels and will be powered by a Ricardo flat head, Sure Mike counterbalanced crankshaft T motor as in the old days. |
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